Ignite & Thrive
A unique journey of self-development and growth for Early Years & Community Based leaders and teams.
Service Description
Ignite & Thrive is a Coaching and Training programme for leaders and teams in Early Years Services and Community Based organisations. The intention of this programme is to raise the conscious awareness of leaders and teams to create a greater level of, Wellbeing, Presence, Trust, Collaboration. Shared Vision Identified outcomes have been, Positive mindset changes ,Increased wellbeing, Increased confidence and a willingness to think outside the box. A greater sense of belonging and being understood. Increased empathy and understanding across the team. Team members and leaders feeling more attuned to the needs of others Reduced sick days across the team. Team members demonstrating deep listening skills Leaders and team members better skilled to hold space for others. Pro active rather than reactive decisions and behaviours The programme is a journey of growth and change and is comprised of five tiers. This creates a gradual shared journey of learning, awareness, expansion and growth for leaders and teams. This journey of self-development of leaders and teams creates sustainable growth which continues to expand and evolve long after the training has ended. The programme provides over forty hours of high-quality, touch point training and support. As teams and leaders bring their energy and focus into alignment they begin to consistently work in greater unison towards one clear vision. T With over twenty-five years of experience training, leading and managing in the Early Childhood and Community Development sector I fully understand the pressures and costs of creating and maintaining high-quality teams. I have observed many services providing the same leadership training year after year without any significant positive sustainable outcomes. Poor quality leadership and team training can actually cause a bigger issue of l leaders and teams feeling like they are failing when no great change occurs. Ignite & Thrive is a high-quality training and coaching programme which provides a very positive ROI. It invites leaders and teams to step into their full unique amazing potential. The needs of children, families and communities has changed and we need conscious leaders and teams to be able to understand and confident. The ripple effect of a more united and consciously aware team is increased positive outcomes for children, families and communities.
Cancellation Policy
Terms & Conditions It is important to me that all of my clients being coached feel safe and comfortable with the coaching process. As the coaching client this is your journey and to navigate that journey it’s important to know that we may discuss personal and well as professional elements of your life. The content of all coaching sessions will remain confidential. The coaching process is a partnership as we will work together to work towards your desired outcomes .As your coach I will be providing support, guidance and materials to help you. As the coaching client you will remain clear as you can be around your intention and commit to taking action to create the required outcome from the coaching process. This coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) was in the Coach’s possession prior to its being furnished by the Client; (b) is generally known to the public or in the Client’s industry; (c) is obtained by the Coach from a third party, without breach of any obligation to the Client; (d) is independently developed by the Coach without use of or reference to the Client’s confidential information; or (e) the Coach is required by statute, lawfully issued subpoena, or by court order to disclose; (f) is disclosed to the Coach and as a result of such disclosure the Coach reasonably believes there to be an imminent or likely risk of danger or harm to the Client or others; and (g) involves illegal activity. Payments Payments can be made via bank transfer prior to the first coaching session; Focus Coaching & Solutions BSB 302-162 Account Number 1468473 ABN 366 903 7118 Tax Invoices available on request  Receipts for payment will be provided  Client sessions Coaching/Hypnosis /Circle can are weekly or fortnightly unless agreed by the client and my self  Full payment is required prior to the start date of the coaching journey unless a payment plan is agreed between the client and my self
Contact Details
Trinity Alkimos WA, Australia